Archives - Bryan Burke

Missed connection: ECE 113

I don’t know who you are. I do not want to know. I could fear you, if such were your intention. You left me haunted, bereft, and alone.

The Gregorian calendar: so last year

I'm in Gleason. I look over and time jumps by an hour? Am I trapped in this psychic prison? No, it’s just Daylight Savings.

Kids love chemicals

The modern Four Loko was nerfed by Big Water, forcing the removal of caffeine, but it’s still a dangerous slurry of sugar and alcohol.

Birding club takes flight

Birding Club has realized what the vast majority of onlookers have known for quite some time: These birds are fucking lame.

Coffee! The all natural pick-me-up!

Due tomorrow does in fact mean do tomorrow.

Slippery slope: more than just a fallacy

Despite ice being obviously not snow, members of the skiing club simply did not care, calling it close enough.

To eat, or not to eat, that is the question

Professors of the chemical engineering department are now offering a fun little opportunity for all UR students looking to complete their History cluster. For no less than 40 hours a week, you have the privilege of LARPing as a feudal serf.


They moved in packs, resembling clouds of yellow pain. Their intent: to drive students into buildings, away from campus center, and just generally insane.

It’s 11p.m. somehow?

Flintstones gummies and caffeine shall be my only saviors during the darker days of this semester.

The Gourds of Wrath

You frighten me, Mr. Pumpkin. Your violent delights can only meet violent ends.