This past Wednesday at the University of Rochester, a bizarre sight was spotted in the quiet section of Gleason Library; students were found what is believed to be sleeping in the pods funded by last year’s Student Association 5K challenge.

Primary witness Erik Coido, he stated, “Yeah, the other day was weird. It was late at night and I wanted to work in a sleeping pod, like usual, in order to hide my vision from the students who appear to be more productive than me with their work written on every inch of the white board. I got to the quiet section and began to sit when it hit me. Literally, I got hit. There was someone in here. After sitting down we both realized what had happened, and the student yelled at me for trying to use his pod. How was I supposed to expect a student to be asleep in one of those egg things?”

The scene, as described by Coido, involves someone sleeping in a sleeping pod­–a seemingly detrimental sight to the academic environment achieved by the social library, Gleason. Students are concerned moving forward. Senior A-Aron McAdams gave a concerned response when hearing about the incident. “I can’t believe the school is allowing students to take their academic ventures in this direction. Like, what is next? Next thing you will see is a reputable news source ranking us in the bottom  one percentile of all universities.”

UR  officials have released responses that can be summarized  in a few words; in short, they blame the weather. They feel that the warm December has led to a more active student body, tiring students out by the time of their normal study sessions. Another strike against global warming!

The shocking display of controversial library habits, nearly equivalent to using the Facebook, has even garnered comments from notable figures like Donald Trump. He said, “I blame Muslims.”

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