Tagged - SA Elections

Analyzing 2019 SA candidate proposals

We looked at three main factors for a proposal: usefulness, viability, and thoroughness.

2019 SA presidential election profiles

Candidate-submitted profiles for the 2019 SA presidential election taking place April 11–12.

Candidate profile: Jamal Holtz & Anne Marie Cortes

SA presidential & V.P. candidate profile for Jamal Holtz & Anne Marie Cortes.

Candidate profile: Genessis Galindo & Lionel Kirenga

SA presidential & V.P. candidate profile for Genessis Galindo & Lionel Kirenga.

Candidate profile: Vlad Cazacu & Kamel Awayda

SA presidential & V.P. candidate profile for Vlad Cazacu & Kamel Awayda.

Gil and Holtz win uncontested SA election

Gil and Holtz plan to spend the rest of the semester laying the groundwork for their return in the fall. And once that comes around, one of their first goals will be to meet with a representative of every group on campus “to express their concerns and to see what they want to get out of SA,” said Holtz.

Smith and Mooney, first dual-female ticket, elected SA president and vice president

The juniors garnered 944 votes, according to the official results, winning by 316 votes over classmates Delvin Moody and Courtney Thomas Jr. and by 345 over sophomores Nick Foti and Gabi Lipschitz.

A note to our readers

Our statement on the recent revelations in the SA presidential campaign.

Mel Sauce for President

In a political era that some have taken to calling “The Year of the Unnaturally Orange,” the Melanie Sauce's insurgent campaign may just have a shot.

Seniors launch 4th Presidential bid

Seniors Erik Chiodo and Chris Horgan have the rare opportunity to lose four consecutive elections, a feat as impressive as it is impossible.