Tagged - Administration

Letter to President Mangelsdorf

This school has made me afraid to speak out against genocide. 

New Title IX updates roll out at the University – here’s what you need to know

One of the main changes aims to broaden the types of misconduct which universities across the country must address by expanding definitions of sex discrimination and sex-based harassment.

Eastman students protest administration’s Title IX response

Second-year doctoral student Rebecca Bryant Novak stood in front of Eastman School of Music’s concert hall last Monday to protest against misogyny.

5 students banned from campus for Gaza solidarity encampment

UR has been banning community members from campus since November for on-campus protests, but the first bans for current students were issued this weekend.

Recording shows University statement inaccurate about Gaza encampment meeting

The Campus Times obtained a recording of the April 24 meeting between Gaza solidarity encampment protesters and administrators. A look inside the discussions.

Bader-Gregory and Lopez to lead SA

Sophomore Elijah Bader-Gregory, current SA vice president, will serve as SA president next year after beating first-year Sammy Randle III…

Ceasefire and Divestment Resolution Passes SA

The SA Senate passed a resolution calling for the University’s Ethical Investment Advisory Committee (EIAC) to advocate for UR to…

SJP holds first protest of the semester, their largest yet

Around 60 people showed up to rally against the war in Gaza at Students for Justice in Palestine's first protest of the semester Saturday.

Jewish Voice for Peace observes Tu B’Schvat in solidarity with Palestinians

Jewish Voice for Peace held their first public event Jan. 21 to express horror at the tragedies occurring in Palestine, JVP told the CT.

War in Gaza hits UR campus

Amid the release of several administrative statements about the war in Gaza, vigils, protests, and counseling sessions have hit UR’s campus.