Ed Observers

The ‘Try Guys’ try: putting the finishing blow on ‘wife guy’ culture

To all the self-proclaimed “wife guys” that we loved before: so long, sweethearts.

Spill the T(ay!): A secret that cannot be told

When you lose a part of yourself, it never really comes back completely. I didn’t time travel when I played anymore.

I want to be obsessed again

I desperately miss teenage obsession. There is something so exhilarating and precious about our deepest infatuations from when we were young teenagers.

Sue Connections!

You aren’t paying for a cold brew, calling it one is misleading, and there are these really cool things called lawsuits! 

Censored: CT pushed from Public Safety coverage

Any process relating to the DPS — the University’s private, hardly-accountable policing system — needs to be brought into the public awareness.

Wealth, suffering, and child marriage

There’s always something so shameful about acknowledging your privilege. But I know I am lucky. I am a part of Bangladesh’s minority.

What’s in a name, really?

In every language, in every culture, on every continent, in every household, something binds us all together — names.

An ode to being dumb and stupid

I’m a staunch advocate of constantly learning in ways that aren’t directly attributed to your degree plan.

What most people get wrong about double majors

I bet a lot of first-years have plans for double or triple majors. But if you are pursuing either, the passion better be worth the pain.

Senior year… can hardly believe it

It’s scary getting older. It’s even scarier closing a chapter of your life.