Billy Mehalick ’08″When you’re in a really dark room and there is a mirror in it and then you see yourself. Well, mirrors in general.”

Tamara Parker “That we pick the wrong president. I don’t trust either of them.”

Kate Czarniak ’06″Midgets, because I had a dream once when one chased me with a knife.”

Ryan Circh ’07″Coach Acquarulo. Have you seen the guy before? Enough said.”

Hiatt Zhar ’06″Bugs. They’re annoying, I want to step on them and I’m Buddhist too.”

Zoe Sylvester ’05Micky New ’05″Halloween candy thathas been poisoned by perverts.”

5 students banned from campus for Gaza solidarity encampment

UR has been banning community members from campus since November for on-campus protests, but the first bans for current students were issued this weekend.

The Clothesline Project gives a voice to the unheard

The Clothesline Project was started in 1990 when founder Carol Chichetto hung a clothesline with 31 shirts designed by survivors of domestic abuse, rape, and childhood sexual assault.

An open letter to all members of any university community

I strongly oppose the proposed divestment resolution. This resolution is nothing more than another ugly manifestation of antisemitism at the University.