Tagged - Facilities

Campus roadways getting a fresh coat of paint

Campus roadways will be getting new paint stripes — including all double yellow, cross walks, stop lettering, and parallel parking…

SA resolution denounces students’ alleged disrespect against River Campus workers

Students' alleged disrespectful acts include smearing excrement on mirrors, making racist remarks towards workers, and more, according to the resolution.

No more pink soap: Why the University’s decision to implement fragrance-free soap is a move in the right direction

The ubiquitous pink soap in University bathrooms are gone, replaced with Purell “Fragrance-Free” dispensers. Why the change?

Burton’s chimneys are coming loose

Contractors have begun the work of removing Burton’s chimneys, causing six students to be temporarily relocated.

Goergen Athletic Center opens for full-time students

For the first time since students left campus en masse in March, the Goergen Athletic Center (GAC) has opened its…

UR A Star Award to recognize staff

The award is part of Brown’s larger UR Stars in Service Campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the work done by UR staff members.

War on Winter: Fighting snow with UR Facilities

Facilities Working Leader Ronald Brown details the arduous process of clearing mountains of snow from the River Campus.