Tagged - social media

Riseup with Riseman

“I decided to make one for fun — really poor quality — and I put it on my Instagram just to see how people would react," Riseman said.

“TikTok pretty”: Beauty is more of a public performance than ever

Beauty has seemingly become a matter of public affirmation: something that, in its most desired form, draws a type of universal and objective consensus.

We need to talk about parasocial relationships

Parasocial relationships were once seen as harmless. Now we're seeing how obsessing over a public figure’s life can turn harmful. 

Technology, humanity, and the death of death

I have long felt that the most human phrase of all time is a simple and short one: “I was here.”

Navigating the world of online mental health awareness

On social media, a creator describes a list of symptoms that leads them to conclude they have depression. The weird thing is, those symptoms sound a lot like things you experience every day.

TikTok psychics and the commodification of denial

The circumstances of our breakup were messy and toxic. But denial was comfortable. So I kept on liking, sharing, and following.

The rise and fall of the BlackBerry dynasty

The true main appeal of the BlackBerry phones to teenagers, like anything else, was that their friends had one. Even as a pre-teen myself, I had this constant fear of missing out on joining friend groups and conversations that only took place on the coveted and exclusive BBM.

This is what cancel culture taken too far actually looks like

The right absolutely loves it when the left eats their own. Because it makes us weaker.

Students react to January classes moving online, guidance to remain off-campus

Many students voiced their thoughts about the decision on social media and in interviews with the Campus Times.

The warped transformation of cancel culture

Since then, that idea has grown claws, tentacles, and possibly a tail, and has made navigating social media somewhat of a menace.