Tagged - jobs

Notes by Nadia: The struggles of finding a job

To all my fellow jobless students out there, I wish you the best of luck in your job hunts.

The yearn to earn 

From the day I became self-aware, I have desired to devote a literal third of my entire adult life to working for you. At your very company! 

Now what? Graduating during a pandemic

After studying remotely from Los Angeles this semester, Harris has found her academic interests shifting. 

Unpaid internships aren’t always worth it

Internships are great. You get to put real work experience on your resume, have a resource when you need a…

Make crazy money while still going to school with this one weird trick!

Getting a part time job at the University seems like a good idea, but you should avoid doing so at all costs. Here are three easy steps to make mega moolah in college!