Tagged - culture

Notes by Nadia: What’s wrong with being a fan?

I wish that people would just mind their business and stop acting like being a fan of an artist is “weird.”

Cultural identities are a balancing act

I remember feeling overwhelmed by trying to balance my South Asian culture and the white-dominant Western culture of my hometown.

ISA’s Cultural Night celebrates diversity of students on campus

Sometimes, cultures can get buried under the school curriculum — one solution for the danger of silencing various cultures of the student body is to provide students with a place to express themselves.

RICE Crew dances across borders

If there’s any place to enjoy EXO’s Love Shot on repeat, Shape of You remixes, or to people-watch (K-pop edition), look no further than a RICE Crew practice.

SA drafting Latin American Studies resolution with faculty, student group support

A petition to create a Latin American Studies department garnered 470 signatures, prompting SA to draft a supporting resolution with numerous endorsements.

Spill the T(ay!): Lost in translation

Once every few years, I got a taste of what it feels to be an outsider in my own culture, peering in. I was a girl lost in translation.
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The chains of command, from Israel to the U.S.

Speaking from experience, using a teacher’s first name even by accident can be seen as disrespectful — a huge no-no in American schools.

Festivals and FOMO: International student edition

As an international student, being away from home means being disconnected from cultural traditions. And in all honesty, I don’t know how to do a better job of keeping up to date with everything.

Walrus Junction brings college music around town 

On their Facebook page, Rochester-based band Walrus Junction calls themselves fuzz pop mixed with “raw, gritty tones and lyrics of…

‘Senryu Girl’: a return to simplicity

Out of the many new releases this spring anime season, “Senryu Girl” is a breath of fresh air. Based on…