
Not Vanilla: The future of late night

Are there enough people watching the actual shows with the regular advertisements to keep sustaining this format of entertainment?

Not Vanilla: Why we watch people do things

It’s much easier to watch someone else do things and live vicariously through them.

‘Stranger Things 2’ is half of what it could be

The first half of season two is intense, but not as much as last year’s. It feels as if the creators are just dragging the show at parts, and even the characters seem like they have no clue why they are part of the storyline.

Not Vanilla: A new kind of entertainment

Nowadays, the sheer number of ways you can distract yourself means not everyone sticks to watching the same thing.

Media Matrix: ‘Difficult People’ is fun, dysfunctional

“Difficult People” centers on two main characters, Billy and Julie, who live in New York City and are always griping about their surroundings.

Not Vanilla: A message to Hollywood

I find that in life there are so many shades of relationships between women that aren’t shown that often. So in honor of Women’s Empowerment Month, I’m going to pitch our imaginary Hollywood execs some ideas for projects that feature these underrepresented relationships.

‘Young Sheldon’: Who hath wrought this fresh hell?

Sheldon is a wholly detestable character. At no point does he inspire any sort of empathy from the audience. You find yourself rooting for him to be bullied.

Not Vanilla: Disney channel singers

Mathematically, it does not seem possible that every female star on Disney turns out to be a great singer.

Not Vanilla: Big people cartoons

To all the people who say that adults should not or cannot watch cartoons — bite me. I have not stopped watching cartoons since I started to watch them.

Not Vanilla: To boldly go…

The original “Star Trek” series was revolutionary — it strived to embody the concept that all life is precious and worth saving, transcended politics, and mirrored real-world issues in the show.