To all the people who say that adults should not or cannot watch cartoons — bite me. I have not stopped watching cartoons since I started to watch them.

There are some cartoons that I will watch no matter what — I’m talking about the classic masterpieces, like “Spongebob Squarepants” or “Avatar: The Last Airbender.” As for the other cartoons I watch, they’ve evolved. Essentially, I’ve switched out Nickelodeon for Adult Swim and Comedy Central. While they’re all animated, they range from the cute and fuzzy to the nihilistic and obscene.

So here’s what we’re going to do — if you, reader, are not one for the entertainment drawn by hand, then I will tell you which show to try, tailor-made to your tastes.

Do you often watch “Friends” to just bask in the show’s comforting feel? Do you miss home a lot? Do you tune into cooking shows just to see what new recipes the chef’s cooking up? Do you have the urge to wear a pair of bunny ears all day every day? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I recommend you watch an episode or two of “Bob’s Burgers.”

It’s a show about a close-knit and wacky family running a burger joint named after the dad, Bob. Bob’s dream is to have a burger place that has innovative burgers like the “Rest in Peas” Burger, or the “Meatsiah.” The family’s three kids, Louise (who is always sporting a stylish cap of pink bunny ears), Gene, and Tina are dynamic, adorable, and relatable. They get into scrapes with or against each other, their unique personalities making whatever they do hilarious.

Linda, the mom, is a diva turned mom, who frequently breaks out into song and encourages her husband to follow his dreams. Start with the episode “The Kids Run Away.”  Louise has a toothache, and that’s all I’m telling you.

Do you like immersing yourself into a new universe? Do you feel like you need more examples of healthy lesbian relationships in your media? Do you like it when shows incorporate original music? Then I recommend Cartoon Network’s “Steven Universe.”

Let’s get the big thing out of the way. Yes, it’s a kids’ show. Get over it. Are you over it? Good. Let’s continue.

“Steven Universe” is about a boy named Steven Universe learning how to be a Crystal Gem. The three Crystal Gems who he lives with, Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst, are sentient alien rocks that have many abilities, like shapeshifting, creating personalized weapons out of their gems, and other special skills you’ll find out about later.

The show portrays issues like being rejected and outcasted by society, realizing the importance of life or growing up in a very unique way. In the end, all of the laughter and tears that are caused by the show are the ones we all experience in regular life.

You end up falling in love with the characters. For me, the show became a place of refuge where regular life seemed more simple. I recommend following the regular arrangement of starting with season one because the plot is important. The first couple episodes are odd, so brave through them and you will be rewarded.

Do you like a show with a slow burn? Do you ever wonder what it would be like if animals behaved just like people? Do you want shows to punch in you in the face with how bleak they are? Do you want a show to access that deep part of you that’s steeped in emotion? Then “Bojack Horseman” is for you.

The show at times seems pointless. Bojack, the main character who is a walking, talking horse, is not likeable. But his jokes are hard and hilarious, the voice acting is exceptional, and the show really takes you for a ride. The laughs are subtle at time, but if you’re one for witty and sharp humor, this show’s for you.

It goes into the concepts of self-hate, lost love, substance abuse and other realms that don’t really get talked about in animated shows. From those depths, it delivers strong emotion.

Okay, I know. For all the people who do watch cartoons like I do, I know what you’re thinking. Where’s your recommendation for “Rick and Morty,” you dingus? This is my response: I need a whole new article to properly address “Rick and Morty.” So I won’t do it here. But readers, if you are not going to take my suggestions on anything I’ve said in this article, at least to take up this one: Watch “Rick and Morty.”

I don’t care what you have to do to watch an episode. I don’t even care which episode. Just watch an episode.

Quick lesson on claiming tables

The process of claiming a seat during meal time rush hours can be quite the hassle. If done incorrectly, it can result in you not having a place to sit or even worse — death.



I fear I may have started this job off on the wrong foot. Right off the bat, when I stumbled into the reception of URMC, I committed the critical silly of asking where to go.