Students wrote letters extending words of love and encouragement to UR’s immigrant community last Thursday afternoon at the “#ToImmigrantsWithLove” event held in Hirst Lounge.

“#ToImmigrantsWithLove” is a national campaign whose mission is to encourage people to publicly acknowledge that they stand with immigrants, regardless of the country’s political climate.

Crowds of students surrounded tables covered with stationary and markers, each enthusiastic about expressing their personal sentiments to immigrants.

One card read, “Thanks for sticking it out with us here. We want you here, you belong, don’t let anyone say anything different.”

Another student wrote, “Thank you so much for your hard work. So glad you came to the U of R.”

Immigrants also participated in the letter writing.

A letter signed “A fellow immigrant” said, “Despite this administration, know that you belong here and are essential to this country.”

The piles of letters were later transformed into a giant heart and mounted on the expression wall in the Burgett Intercultural Center.

Freshman and member of the Muslim Students’ Association Fatimah Arshad participated to show solidarity with refugees in America and on campus.

“For them to know that our support is with them provides some reassurance in times like these,” said Arshad. “I know a lot of people who are directly affected by the recent events that have taken place among our government, and although I can’t imagine what they are going through individually and personally, I want them to know that I am on their side and I am willing to fight for them so that they can feel safe and welcomed here.”

“#ToImmigrantsWithLove” was sponsored by UR Dreamers, Students Helping Honduras, Refugee Student Alliance, Asian American Alliance, Native American Students’ Association, UR Sanctuary Campus Movement, Students’ Association for Interfaith Cooperation, and the Spanish and Latino Students’ Association.

Tagged: Immigration

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