Courtesy of UR Athletics

1. How did you first get involved with track and field? And, specifically, with jumping?

I was 11 years old when I started track and field with the track club “Espoirs de Bignona” back in Senegal. I joined because, as a kid, I liked the idea of racing against my friends to see who was the fastest. In Senegal, when you are really young in track and field, they make you try many events to see what you’re good at. That’s how my very first coach realized I had some potential in jumping and that I could excel in it one day.

2. Who is your greatest inspiration? Why?

My mom, my mom and my mom. She is my inspiration. She is my everything. I am where I am today because of her hard work and sacrifices. She is the reason I do what I do.

3. What is your favorite aspect of jumping? Why?

My favorite aspect of jumping is when I initiate my jump because that’s the moment my mind goes blank, and I don’t think about anything other than letting my body go through the jump.

4. How do you prepare yourself, physically and mentally, before a jump?

Physically, I do my stretching and warm up as the coach wants it. Mentally, I go through the important things I need to fix during the jump to reach my goals. From then on, all I think about is having some fun!

5. How did you feel after triple jumping 14.87 meters, almost tying the UR school record?

Courtesy of UR Athletics

I felt good, but soon after I posted the jump I started to think about 15.21 meters, which is the jump to beat to secure the school record.

6. What words of wisdom would you give to someone looking to get involved in track and field?

I believe in having fun in everything I do. If I can’t have fun, then I might as well stop. So, whether you’re in track and field or something else, just go out there and have fun!

7. Would you rather sing karaoke with Tina Fey or Neil Patrick Harris? Why?

I don’t really know who Tina Fey or Neil Patrick Harris are, but my gut tells me to pick Tina Fey just because it is close to “Dina Fey” which means “he/she/it will pay” in Senegalese local language (Wolof).

Eber is a member of the class of 2017.


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