Obscenities painted over sorority decorations

An unidentified suspect spray painted vulgarities and sexually explicit language on the walls of the tunnel between Lattimore and Hoyt Halls on March 27 sometime before 10:30 p.m., according to UR Security Investigator Dan Lafferty.

The graffiti was added over decorations that had been painted by a sorority a week earlier. A member of that sorority discovered the graffiti, according to UR Security.

Facilities staff was notified and the walls were repainted to cover the graffiti.

An estimate for the damages incurred or the cost of repainting the walls was not available at the time of the report, according to Lafferty.

Graffiti discovered in Tiernan Hall

An additional report of graffiti was discovered in Tiernan Hall on March 29, according to UR Security.

A staff member reported that purple and white graffiti had been painted in the attic of Tiernan, according to Lafferty.

Some of the graffiti referenced a local high school and names were referenced as well, according to UR Security.

Chalk figures drawn across campus

In a third graffiti incident, chalk figure outlines were drawn on the pedestrian footbridge, the exterior of Tiernan Hall, Theta Chi Fraternity House, Anderson Tower, the Corner Store and the Intercampus Drive bus stop, according to Lafferty.

The outlines were drawn to show someone looking around a corner, falling out a window, engaging in sexual activity and someone hanging with a noose around their necks, according to UR Security.

Facilities staff cleaned off the figures as they were located, according to Lafferty.

The estimated value of the facilities efforts to clean off the chalk from the brick was undetermined at the time of this report, according to UR Security.

Honda Accord stolen from University Park

A graduate student’s 1996 Honda Accord was stolen by an unidentified suspect from the circle area in University Park sometime between March 24 at 4:30 p.m. and March 25 at 11:00 a.m., according to Lafferty.

A report was filed with the Rochester Police Department, according to UR Security.

Drunk student transported to Strong

An intoxicated student was transported via ambulance from Munro House Lobby to Strong Memorial Hospital for evaluation and treatment on March 29, according to UR Security.

The 19-year-old undergraduate stated that he had consumed the alcohol on the second floor of Munro, according to Lafferty.

Information provided by UR Security.

Paret can be reached at eparet@campustimes.org.

Recording shows University statement inaccurate about Gaza encampment meeting

The Campus Times obtained a recording of the April 24 meeting between Gaza solidarity encampment protesters and administrators. A look inside the discussions.

Riseup with Riseman

“I decided to make one for fun — really poor quality — and I put it on my Instagram just to see how people would react," Riseman said.

The Clothesline Project gives a voice to the unheard

The Clothesline Project was started in 1990 when founder Carol Chichetto hung a clothesline with 31 shirts designed by survivors of domestic abuse, rape, and childhood sexual assault.