Tagged - Trump

J.D. Vance: The Trump campaign’s ruiner

Based on Vance’s history, he has proved to be an outright horrible pick for the Trump campaign.

The real loser of the debate? You

As the night progressed, it appeared that neither candidate would be offering anything substantive. Instead, both President Trump and Vice President Harris stuck to their talking points.

Donald Trump has lost the juice

Where did The Donald go?

The unwelcome pardon

Last month, Deborah L. Hughes, the President and CEO of the National Susan B. Anthony Museum and House, had planned a press conference in Rochester to commemorate the 100th anniversary of that momentous victory for women’s rights.

What the Woodward tapes reveal about Trump’s persona

The presidency has become a show that we pay with our votes to see.

Impeaching Donald Trump is not about Donald Trump

The impeachment of Donald Trump is important objectively and historically, regardless of political alignment, and should be taken seriously.

The truth has a liberal bias

The role of journalism is not to act as a megaphone for public figures.

Princeton Professor, CNN Analyst Zelizer discusses Trump, bipartisanship

Julian Zelizer, a history professor and CNN political analyst, emphasized the Trump presidency not as a cause, but a product of the deep partisan polarization of American politics today.

The shutdown mystery

Last night, when I was looking at the graph of Trump’s approval rating on FiveThirtyEight, my friend Charles said it…

Trump and the space force

If the idea of a space force was indeed harmless, it would just be another stupid, inconsequential Trump meme like rocket man or inventing the word “fake” (my favorite one).