Tagged - tiktok

Notes by Nadia: What happened to the readers?

23% of American adults hadn’t read a book in the previous year. Can BookTok really save the decline in readership?

BookTok is turning the publishing industry into fast fashion

Are publishers and authors publishing books too quickly to capitalize on hype, and does this hurt the quality of their writing?

The culture of “rotting” – and why it’s okay to rot

As long as you can pay your bills and are healthy physically and mentally, then you can do whatever makes you happy in your personal time.

Modern Jazz and Laufey’s permanent mark

"Bewitched" personifies love and heartbreak, comprised of soft melodies primed for slow dancing in a living room, or studying in a ritzy classical library.

Scars, romance, and the minds of youth

I was a Tumblr tween. And unfortunately, I was one of the many, many children who fell victim to the aestheticization of self-harm.

Rekindling my religious fire with the Miami Boys Choir

One commenter on the original MBC video referred to the genre of music as “K-Pop (kosher pop),” and I haven’t stopped laughing at the randomness of this phenomenon in public whenever I think about it a little too hard.

TikTok psychics and the commodification of denial

The circumstances of our breakup were messy and toxic. But denial was comfortable. So I kept on liking, sharing, and following.

Is Pop Punk Cool Again?

Pop punk’s revival has been ushered in by both mainstream artists and alternative rock groups, both of whom have a mix of old and new artists in the genre pushing pop punk back into popularity.

The toxicity of TikTok beauty trends

People are whole individuals with far more interesting qualities than their forehead size.