Tagged - jazz

New vocal jazz program at Eastman

Not a trace of the thunderous applause from just a moment earlier lingers in the air; instead, the crowd is hushed, breath caught in their chests for fear of breaking the spell.

Eastman on the River Campus: Music event of the season

The music runs through the floorboards – not ordinary house party music, but sax and trumpet-led jazz, as expected from Eastman’s prodigies.

Sophomore Joey Stempien starts small with his big band

Every Thursday of this semester, you can hunt down sophomore Joey Stempien and his friends at the East Avenue restaurant (and well-known college student sustenance staple) Stromboli’s.

Modern Jazz and Laufey’s permanent mark

"Bewitched" personifies love and heartbreak, comprised of soft melodies primed for slow dancing in a living room, or studying in a ritzy classical library.

Rochester summer news round-up

No matter what that patented collegiate-student sense of self-importance may tell us, Rochester keeps bustling even when we go home…

Marsalis inspires at Kodak Hall

One of my favorite ways to hype up Rochester is by complimenting its live music scene. It’s fantastic on the…