Tagged - SA Senate

Students’ Association releases Fall 2024 election results

With new additions to the 2028 Class Council and Senate, UR’s Students Association has welcomed new members as a result of the Fall 2024 Elections.

SA Senate election won by everyone who ran

The executive race was the only competitive one in this spring’s SA election. Everyone who ran for senate positions —…

Ceasefire and Divestment Resolution Passes SA

The SA Senate passed a resolution calling for the University’s Ethical Investment Advisory Committee (EIAC) to advocate for UR to…

Plan to rename shuttle lines gets SA support

The SA senate unanimously passed a statement of support for the renaming of several University shuttle lines Feb. 12. The…

SA passes resolution supporting New York State Student Suicide Prevention Act

Pushing for university suicide intervention policies, the SA joined 26 college governments supporting the bill to safeguard student mental health.

SA resolution denounces students’ alleged disrespect against River Campus workers

Students' alleged disrespectful acts include smearing excrement on mirrors, making racist remarks towards workers, and more, according to the resolution.

SA’s Mid-Year Report just released. Here are some key takeaways

Here are some key takeaways from SA's Mid-Year Report, with a focus on accomplishments with tangible implications for students.

Pennsylvania Gov.-elect Josh Shapiro ’95 first jumped into politics at UR

Before Josh Shapiro ‘95 became Pennsylvania’s governor-elect, he boasted two humbler titles — UR Students’ Association senator and president.

Latin American Studies department resolution passes SA

SA passed a resolution supporting the creation of a Latin American Studies department after hearing speeches from seven student advocates.

SA solicits input on race-related trainings for faculty

SA released a survey seeking student input on potentially-mandatory race-related training curricula for faculty.