Tagged - NFL

Goodell recognizes women but avoids deeper issues

To examine the league in light of the past year, Goodell remained defensive rather than owning up to some of the NFL’s most troubling predicaments.

Bills make football history

Last Wednesday, the organization announced that they are promoting Kathryn Smith, former administrative assistant to serve as a full-time assistant coach.

The Fall of Manning

Potentially playing the last game of his future Hall of Fame Career, Manning did just enough to push for a 20-18 victory.

The St. Louis Rams are homeward bound

Last Tuesday, at a meeting in Houston, the NFL owners voted to approve a move that would relocate the St. Louis Rams to Los Angeles at the start of the 2016 NFL season.

Some ways to make your losing NFL team better

We are midway through the NFL season and some teams are not doing so well. Here are my suggestions to…