Dear Mr. Heaton,

I found article on “Marriage debate not new one” to be offensive as well as distasteful. I am appalled at the bigotry that is allowed to displayed in the campus times newspaper.Who are you to decide who I marry? As well as, insult black women??

I find it ironic that there is an article about attracting minorities to attend UR. If you keep allowing this bigotry, you not only will have a problem attracting minorities to come to here, but also RETAINING the minorities that are presently students here.

Sincerely,A black woman that is happily enganged in a 3-year interracial relationship

The Clothesline Project gives a voice to the unheard

The Clothesline Project was started in 1990 when founder Carol Chichetto hung a clothesline with 31 shirts designed by survivors of domestic abuse, rape, and childhood sexual assault.

Colin’s Review Rundown: Future and Metro Boomin, Lizzy McAlpine, Benson Boone, Civerous

Is it bad? Definitely not! But I found myself continually checking my phone to see how many tracks were left.

Notes by Nadia: The myth of summer vacation

Summer vacation is no longer a vacation.