As the Students’ Association government works together with Parking and Transportation to decide whether a tiered parking system is one that will benefit the student body and calm the raging criticism of the University’s parking, it should be known that this system, while beneficial to some, does not get to the root of the parking problem on campus.

This proposal, which passed in the spring election with a 52 percent majority, would allow students to pay an extra $75 to claim a parking spot closer to campus, while other students would pay a discounted $75 to park in the further away lots.

While this system would quiet some complaints about the cost of parking, many car-owners would still pay the same price, keep their cars in the same lots that they currently park in and complain about. In addition, the negative aspects of the proposal – the exacerbation of socioeconomic divides, and the fact that it ignores the safety and location issues present in the current system – prove that more drastic measures need to be taken.

With the strategic and master plans coming into full swing, parking is an issue that deserves close attention. One proposed idea is that of building a parking garage somewhere on campus. However, research into this has shown that it simply would not be cost-effective. Instead, an off-campus parking location with a regular, frequent and reliable shuttle to and from campus seems to be the only plausible solution.

Students need to realize that as long UR maintains its picturesque campus, extremely convenient parking is not possible. Zipcars are a step up for the non-committal, but for those who still want the security and reliability of having their own car, Parking and Transportation should focus on the safety and convenience of an off-campus parking location. If you build it, cars will come.

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