Meeting Date: 4/3/17

Top take

  • The Students’ Association (SA) Senate debated the merits of a change to its bylaws that would alter the ways in which senators can use executive session.
  • Executive session is a closed-door session of Senate (as opposed to regular Senate meetings, which are open to the public). During executive session, no minutes are taken, and senators are forbidden to take notes or use electronic devices. Senators are not allowed to divulge to the public anything discussed during the sessions.
  • Senators debated whether executive session is harmful to SA’s transparency and whether it is useful for discussing internal matters that some senators labeled “drama.”
  • The bill could change the conditions under which Senate is allowed to use executive session, as well as the number of votes necessary to enter executive session.
  • The bill was tabled until the following meeting (Monday, April 10) when Senate will vote on it.

Other bits

  • The Academic Affairs Committee is running an “Academic Bill of Rights” by Dean Feldman to see whether it is feasible.
  • The Campus Services Committee is preparing a report on the Button Walk, which assessed the handicap-accessible electronic doors around campus to see if any of them were not working. Campus Services Committee Chair, and senior Senator Dan Matthews said that he wished that there were “more SA people” at Campus Services events
  • The Elections and Services Committee held its first two election interest sessions for students who want to get involved in SA Government. Students must have attended at least one interest session to be eligible.
  • Sophomore Nicholas Pierce is this year’s Elections Chairperson.
  • The Constitution Task Force had met earlier that day; there were no updates.
  • The Student Life Committee created a survey to gauge student interest in the UR a Star program, which would recognize University staff for the work they do.
  • The Student Life Committee is organizing SA volunteers to restock pads and tampons as part of this year’s 5K Challenge implementation.
  • The Appropriations Committee is still putting together its budget. They cut $340,000 from their overall budget and are anticipating a large number of appeals from organizations regarding these cuts.
  • The All-Campus Judicial Council (ACJC) has finished its selections process and will be submitting three new justices for Senate approval at the April 10 meeting
  • The new ACJC justices will be: sophomore Deisy Abarca Espíritu, sophomore Lucas Avelar, and freshman Julie Woodward.
  • The Executive Branch launched its free pads and tampons program today in most campus bathrooms.
  • The Welliora mental health initiative is set to begin on Monday, April 17.

Next meeting

Monday, April 10 in the Gowen Room

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