Daniel, Camilo, Vanessa and Rishi
Bow Young Kim - Copy Editor

On Thursday, Sept. 15, the official election results were posted after 725 people voted in the Fall SA Elections on Tuesday, Sept. 13.  Four new Senators and eight new Class Council members from the Class of 2015 won the vote in several lose races.

The winning senators are: Rishi Sharma, Daniel “Danny Boy” Gaona, Vanessa Sanchez and Camilo Benitez.  Brian Shin, Mehr Kashyap, Will Burke, Nikita Miroshnichenko, Daniel Gaona, Inge Chen, Luis Alonso and Rachel Suresky are the newly elected Class Council members.

Voter turnout was high this year, with 1,413 votes cast for Senators and 2,619 votes cast for Class Council.

Rishi Sharma, also the President of Gilbert Hall Council, foresees great changes on campus. “I hope to obtain state of the art technology for classrooms and alleviate sustainability concerns,” he said. Sharma’s fellow Senator, Camilo Benitez, hopes to uncover the truth behind the Students’ Activities Fees. “My curiosity to know how the $258 Students’ Activities Fees were being managed inspired me to represent the class of 2015 in the Senate,” Benitez said.

The SA Government Kickoff took place on Friday, Sept. 19, in the Meliora Restaurant.  The Senators and Council Members listened to a welcome address from President Seligman, as well as talks from Vice President Paul Burgett and Dean Matthew Burns.

“Class Councils are programming groups that promote class unity and school spirit by planning events and creating traditions,” the SA Website says. “The Senate is the legislative body of student government. Charged with the task of bettering student life, the Senate works to pass legislation and oversee the operation of student organizations.”

Duncan is a member of the class of 2014.

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