Amidst the current flurry of large-scale health care reform, new legislation is emerging that has particular relevance to college students. The new bill would help young men and women afford health insurance by allowing them to remain on their parents’ plan after graduation, up to the age of 27.

Congresswoman Louise Slaughter was highly influential in the formation of this legislation.

‘Between finding your first job, paying student loans and building a life of your own, young adults have enough on their plates, without having to worry about losing their health insurance when they turn 18 or graduate from college,” Slaughter said in a press release.

According to the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, Americans between ages 18 and 34 are the most likely to be without health insurance with 47 percent reported being uninsured between 2008 and 2009.

The bill has made significant progress in the House. The approval of the House Rules Committee is the final hurdle the legislation must overcome before it reaches full-scale debate on the House floor. Slaughter, who is in full support of the bill, is the chairwoman of this committee.

According to Press secretary for the House Rule Committee Ashley Schipatl, the House Rules Committee will probably hold a hearing this Thursday or Friday to discuss the legislation.

Slaughter also stressed the importance of college students and young adults being aware and involved with the health care debate. According to Schipatl, one of the most effective and straightforward ways to do this is to call your district congressperson with questions, concerns or ideas and Schipatl stressed that Slaughter reads all of her constituents’ emails.

Fleming is a member of
the class of 2013.

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