Ever had anything to do with music on the River Campus? Then you have contacted Josef ‘Joe” Hanson, the manager of Music Performance Programs. A percussionist and trombone player himself, Joe also teaches MUR 101, an introductory music class, advises for both the B.A./M.A. programs in music and is the conductor for the brand new performance group on campus, UR Brass Choir.

You just started the brand new Brass Choir. Want to tell me a little about that and how that has been going?
It has been going great. We have about 25 members. There is no audition required, so the more the merrier if people are interested. We have trumpets, horns, baritones, tubas and play a wide variety of music. Our first performance went very well. We also have some cool future plans that I’m working on.

What was one of your most memorable performances?
Junior year in high school, the big musical was ‘God Spell.” I hadn’t played percussion in probably three years, and when the regular percussionist hurt himself, I kind of was thrust into it, and it was wonderful. It was the kind of thing where you spend so much time rehearsing and practicing, but it is so rare when you are thrown in, and you just have to be quick on your feet. There was a lot of improv and making stuff up as we went. It was lots of fun and pure music-making.

If you could make a brand new instrument, what would it be?
I guess it would be the trombone-a-tron. And in addition to its melodious tone, it could also pulverize the enemy and allow me to successfully travel through time.

You have three wishes but can’t wish for more wishes. What would they be?
An unlimited supply of money. A new performance facility for the River Campus music program. And world peace, of course.

Clark is a member of the class of 2012.

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