The Web site to vote for the new Yellowjackets logo is going to be up and running by Friday, Oct. 5.

“We’ve recently launched a new logo for the University of Rochester, and now it’s time to update our athletics symbol, the Yellowjacket,” the Web site states. “We especially want to hear from students and alumni before making a decision, so please take a moment to check out this brief history of the Yellowjacket before choosing your favorites for a new design.”

The site gives a detailed history of the Yellowjacket and other symbols of the University. It explains the dandelion symbol, which was inspired by a dandelion-filled cow pasture, which was turned into the Prince Street Campus.

It also covers the origination of the Yellowjacket. According to legend, the Yellowjacket became the school mascot when football player Howard Garnish ’27 urged his yellow-clad teammates on with the cheer, “Go you Yellow Jackets!” In May of 1930, the nickname was put to vote against options like the Goldbugs, Rivermen, Dandelions, Genesseans and Sailors. The Yellowjacket won, despite the fact that the Board of Control did not consider it a traditional enough association.

The site also displays our current mascot, the Spirit “R,” other Yellowjacket mascots from Graceland University, Waynesburg University and Georgia Institute of Technology and the mascots from the University Athletic Association, UR’s athletic league.

Students are presented with five possible mascots, including the current mascot and four new mascot choices. Two are Yellowjackets in punching positions with the Spirit “R” on traditional college sweaters, one is a simplistic, flying Yellowjacket and one is a Yellowjacket in armour. Students are asked to pick their two favorite versions of the Yellowjacket, keeping in mind that the poll has no bearing on the actual mascot costume. The poll will close on Sunday, Oct. 7.

Schneier is a member of the class of 2011.

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