Senior Sam Lehman was elected to the position of Speaker of the Senate on Monday night’s Students’ Association Senate meeting. Lehman ran against SA Elections Chair and sophomore Lauren Sussman for the position.

“Both candidates got a chance to speak toward the Senate and each answered questions posed by the Senators regarding long-term goals of the position in question,” SA Senator and sophomore Kierstin Hughes said.

The election was held due to the fact that the previous speaker, junior Harrell Kirstein, could not continue his post after accepting an internship under presidential candidate Bill Richardson.

Sophomore Jen Principio retained her position as Deputy Speaker. Principio was elected last semester.

Lehman has participated in the All-Campus Judicial Council (ACJC) for the last two years, serving as chief justice for the past two semesters and sitting in on the Academic Honesty Board. ACJC, a branch of the SA government, serves as a high court and as a discipline-hearing panel. It deals with cases of misconduct that can result in consequences ranging from probation to expulsion.

Lehman was forced to make a choice between ACJC and the Speaker position, and he ended up having to leave ACJC to run for his new position.

“I wanted a chance to do something more proactive in my senior year – I wanted to be a part of the change,” Lehman said. “I think I’m pretty lucky to have that chance.”

SA Senator and sophomore Jon Junig is convinced of Lehman’s ability.

“I believe that he will thrive in his new position due to his experience in the student government and ACJC as a moderator,” Junig said.

Halusic is a member of the class of 2010.

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