A visitor to the school was transported from Rush Rhees Library to the Strong Memorial Hospital Emergency Department with a laceration to his leg on Monday, according to UR Security Investigator Dan Lafferty.

Security officers as well as MERT personnel responded to assist the victim at 1:07 p.m.

The victim said that the injury occurred when he was closing his car door, as he accidentally struck his leg on the side of the door. He did not realize the extent of his injury until he entered the library.

Alcohol consumption precedes unlawful intrusion

On Sunday morning at 6:30 a.m., an unidentified male entered a room in Chambers House and stared at the student who lived there for a number of minutes.

The suspect proceeded to turn off all the lights in the room and the resident repeatedly asked the unknown male to leave her room, according to Lafferty.

The resident called security after the suspect eventually left the room.

Other residents in the building provided information that helped the officers identify the suspect – he was found in his room sleeping.

The suspect admitted to consuming alcohol the previous night, and alcohol is believed to have been a contributing factor. The suspect also admitted to being in Chambers but did not remember entering the resident’s room.

The resident did not want the police contacted, but the suspect was warned and told to stay out of Chambers.

Student caught in lewd act at Eastman

While securing the Eastman School of Music for the night, officers encountered an individual masturbating in front of one of the computers in the basement computer lounge, according to Lafferty.

The incident occurred on Wednesday at 11:20 p.m. Upon noticing the officers, the suspect ceased his activity and attempted to leave the area.

He was soon identified and found to be a graduate student.

The suspect was warned about his activity and released. The matter has been deferred to the Dean of Students Office at Eastman School for further review and action.

Individual caught loitering in Wilson Commons

An individual was confronted by Security in Wilson Commons on Friday at 12:38 p.m. when staff reported that he seemed to be hanging around the building without a legitimate purpose, according to Lafferty.

Officers located and identified the individual, who was found to be unaffiliated with the University.

The student admitted that he had no reason for being in the building and left immediately upon the request of the officers.

Information provided by UR Security.Wrobel is a member of the class of 2010.

A reality in fiction: the problem of representation

Oftentimes, rather than embracing femininity as part of who they are, these characters only retain traditionally masculine traits.

An open letter to all members of any university community

I strongly oppose the proposed divestment resolution. This resolution is nothing more than another ugly manifestation of antisemitism at the University.

Riseup with Riseman

“I decided to make one for fun — really poor quality — and I put it on my Instagram just to see how people would react," Riseman said.