Over the summer, I caught a glimpse of a CNN special report. The network showed a special series about global warming, warning viewers of the danger that lies ahead of us.

I stood there for 10 minutes and watched as CNN reported that tides are rising and the climate is changing. Although we may not be directly affected yet, the world has already been feeling the effects of overusing fossil fuels.

Some experts are still skeptical, arguing that it is too early to tell whether global warming is a real threat.

Most people cannot trust the weather forecast for more than a few days since it changes as daily. Therefore, they say that if we cannot even believe in a forecast of four days, we should not consider looking at a forecast that predicts climate change decades later.

However, more evidence now of the greenhouse effect is appearing all over the world. In Tuvalu, a series of islands off Australia, residents fear that increasing tides may drown the islands. Most of Tuvalu is only six feet above sea level. Even the slightest increase in tides can drown the islands.

Incidentally, they produce a negligible amount of fossil fuels, contributing little to global warming. Many industrialized countries feel the effects of global warming to a lesser extent, but are producing a huge bulk of fossil fuel emissions, hurting the little guys.

Although many people agree that global warming is coming, most of them, including us students, do little to alleviate the problem.

We think little of the small things we can do in our everyday activities to help the environment – even though these activities can decrease fossil fuel emissions, and therefore lessen global warming.

Other than car pooling, students should throw all their empty plastic bottles and used paper into the recycling bin. They should also check that all their appliances are turned off before leaving their rooms to conserve our natural resources. These activities may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people ignore them.

You may ask how your meager contributions can help. If everyone believes that they have a negligible impact and does not feel obligated to act, we would continually encourage pollution.

If we neglect these everyday conservation activities, don’t you believe that we are being a little selfish? However, a concerted effort for conservation and recycling can help save our environment.

So, when you need to throw out an empty bottle of soda and cannot find a recycling bin, carry it along until you find one. You may never know, your magnanimous actions could protect other nations from Tuvalu’s fate.

Lee can be reached at alee@campustimes.org.

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