With the departure of Thomas J. LeBlanc, The College is searching for a new dean of faculty. The search committee should seek applicants who share President Joel Seligman’s strategic views.

If the next dean of faculty has the same idea for The College’s future, the candidate and the president can coordinate a smart capital campaign that improves the undergraduate community.

Drafting an informative “white paper” and convening a diverse search committee of faculty members signifies a step in the right direction. However, this vetting process should encompass the opinions of all people affected by the new appointment, namely the students.

In addition to the role of coordinating faculty and departments – a position that indirectly affects student life – the dean of faculty also controls the budget, development and advancement of The College.

Therefore, the appointee will encounter issues that extend beyond faculty management and have a deeper influence on undergraduate life.

After the dean of faculty search committee reduces the pool of applicants to a group of finalists, a student panel should have the opportunity to provide some input from the undergraduate community.

A panel should represent the student body, reflecting its needs and concerns. This student committee should question the applicants about their familiarity with student issues and give feedback to the dean of faculty search committee.

In doing so, the search committee can choose an applicant who will execute his office with a better understanding of student opinion.

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