As alumni of the school, we were all very excited to find an article about the rugby team in the CT. It sounds like the team is doing very well for itself and our congratulations goes out to them, however, some of the information provided is incorrect. The rugby team has been around a lot longer than 3 years. It may have been reformed, however, we graduated from The Rock in ’95 & ’96 and played for the River Rats back then (we might even still have the jerseys to prove it). Although we never made it to Division II, we still practiced hard twice a week (read: played Sega Rugby and drank beers) and woke up early on Saturday mornings to play 80 minutes of rugby. We’ve actually been in touch with some of the current players and once again congratulate them on their success. The burden of this error should be placed on the CT, though, as it’s the reporter and the newspapers job to make sure that the so-called facts they print are accurate.


Chris Bruell ’96Josh Lefkowitz ’96Adam Haim ’96Mike Friedman ’96Andy Oremland ’95and I’m sure a bunch of other alumni that wore the black and gold.

Chanting:We’re Rochester River Rats,We’re mean and nasty *%&@’s…

please email for phone number

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Gaza solidarity encampment: Live updates

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