Bjrn Buschan ’05″Friday night. I needed to know how to cook lamb.”

Gary Stom ’06″This morning, to tell my mother that I survived my 21st birthday.”

Charlotte Reardon ’07 Julia Simon ’07″Today, to tell my mother to bring me a rug.”

Liz Gall ’07″I called home because all of the shower curtains were missing and I was sad.”

Mark Jackson ’06″A couple times a week because I love my mommy and daddy.”

Laura Garcia ’08″About five minutes ago to talk to my sister.”

A reality in fiction: the problem of representation

Oftentimes, rather than embracing femininity as part of who they are, these characters only retain traditionally masculine traits.

Riseup with Riseman

“I decided to make one for fun — really poor quality — and I put it on my Instagram just to see how people would react," Riseman said.

5 students banned from campus for Gaza solidarity encampment

UR has been banning community members from campus since November for on-campus protests, but the first bans for current students were issued this weekend.