In an effort for the UR community to learn more about president-elect Joel Seligman and the search process, we have provided these additional quotes that did not make it into the news article due to spatial limitations:
Vice President and staff to the Trustees’ Presidential Search Committee Paul Burgett – “I look forward enthusiastically to supporting President-elect Seligman as he structures and implements the plans for his administration.”
President Thomas Jackson – “He and I share passion for this place and I expect we’ll have a wonderful working relationship. The first half of the year is for the search committee and the second half of the year will be mine. We share similar backgrounds and values. By and large we share so many things in common it will be a wonderful working relationship. I’m going to take a sabbatical for a year – partly to re-charge my batteries and partly to re-immerse myself in scholarship.”
SA President, senior and member of the Student Advisory Group Pete Nabozny – “I’m really excited. I think he’s going to be a great president. I was on the student search committee, and I was particularly impressed with the amount of passion he brought to our meeting. He really wants this place to grow and improve and reach new heights. I think he’s going to make a great president. He’s really enthusiastic. He stood out to me as the candidate who really showed he wanted to be here. He indicated to us that he saw the school as a unique place. Amongst all the candidates, he was the best fit for this university. He was very up-front and candid… I think the sincerity really impressed me.”
President-elect Joel Seligman – “Asked if he will be more visible on campus, more interaction with students. I’ve been a dean for 20 semesters. I’ve taught during 19 of the 20. Law school deans often don’t teach. I find it reminds you of why you’re here. I’m not sure I’ll be able to teach right away, I know the first year I won’t be able to. I’ll be available for guest appearances of course.””By temperament, I am a builder, not a cuter. This is a school that has such great strengths to build on.””My challenge in the years to come is to [add to the greatness of this university].”About why he came to UR – “When I met with the students I knew I wanted this job. There’s such energy, such absolute commitment. I’m going to meet with delegates of students. When I was here and was talking to the students there were two moments that were the most memorable for me. One was that in recent history Rochester has not had an athletic victory over Wash. U. And the other was when they were asked if there was anything they’d like to see improved and there was an instant chorus of “The food!” Everyone says that. Nonetheless, I want to listen to the students. I’m also attracted to Rochester because it has seasons,” he joked.What he brings to campus – “Energy. My job more than anything else is to galvanize resources. I have to articulate a vision. That’s what strategic planning is about. I think I have some talent for that and I want to articulate it.”About working with the city- “There’s a number of dimensions – economic development matters a lot – it will be a priority. A good university has to be a good neighbor and a good partner. Knowing what the city most cares about is vital. I’ll be visiting business leaders, and I hope to speak to Mayor Johnson.”About personal life – “The single best decision I made was marrying Friederike.”
Chair of the Board of Trustees and the Chair of the Trustees’ Presidential Search Committee G. Robert Witmer, Jr. ’59 – “It turns out we are a very attractive place. We had close to 200 resumes that we reviewed and looked at.””Its not just being dean of the law school. [He is also] a person of intellectual accomplishment and he has demonstrated on two separate occasions the ability to lead institutions in greater achievement.” “His proven ability to work on a national level demonstrates his ability to [build] consensus among many different groups.”About search – “It is the opportunity for a group of leaders to step back and assess the institution of the university. This is a process that forces you to [assess] the university as a unit.” “arduous process” “We intensely interviewed eight people.”About White Paper – “seminal part of our effort.” “The White Paper served as a loadstone and kept focus. [After we wrote it] Joel Segilman almost literally jumped off the page.”
Provost Charles Phelps -“[Seligman]’s absolutely right. He has it right on in terms of his priorities.”On search committee – they did a “fabulous job” . “You want to get the right person. Serving on the search committee is a life-changing experience.”
Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid Jon Burdick – “I find it hard to imagine a better choice than Dean Seligman. He has a great combination of vision and energy that will help guide the university. Like President Jackson, he will have both ideas for us to consider and direct impact on our enrollment activities, and I am looking forward to working with him.”
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at School of Law in Washington University David Keating – “I think he’s one of the best academic leaders I’ve ever worked with. He was very much a consensus builder. He would have regular meetings with the student leaders.”