Chad, I know this is late, and it might be a touch long, but please get it in if you can, since this is the last issue.My work number is 671-1533 my home # is 424-4342. Feel free to call me with any questions.

Thanks, -Pat

To the Editor:As an alumnus of both UR and the CT, as well as the current editor of a weekly newspaper, I was extremely disappointed to read Editor Chadwick Schnee’s admission that a March 25 editorial observer by Kim Gorode entitled “C-SPAN has a place too,” plagiarized much of its content and language from a Baltimore Sun column.However, I am also alarmed that in his apology, Schnee merely refers to the incident as a “learning opportunity” without detailing the specific steps he has taken to ensure that this never happens again.His mea culpa rings even more hollow when I noticed that immediately below his explaination in the April 15 issue, another editorial observer by Gorode appears. How can Schnee expect anyone to take him seriously if the newspaper has allowed Gorode to continue to write for it?Plagiarism is not merely a journalistic crime, it is an academic one as well. When I did a search for it on UR’s Web site, I found 294 references to it in the context of academic honesty — everthing from university policies to warnings on course sillibi. Being a student, how can Gorode not have understood what intellectual theft was? As importantly, why does the CT not punish one of its staffers for an act that would result in her failing a course or even being expelled from UR if she had committed it in the classroom?If he does not have the courage or wisdom to ask for Gorode’s resignation or initiate diciplinary actions against her, Schnee should at least have the courtesy to personally resign to spare the CT and UR’s reputation further shame.

Patrick O’MahenClass of 2001O’Mahen was a CT copy editor in 1999 and opinion editor in 2000. He currently is editor of the Wayne County Mail.

5 students banned from campus for Gaza solidarity encampment

UR has been banning community members from campus since November for on-campus protests, but the first bans for current students were issued this weekend.

Recording shows University statement inaccurate about Gaza encampment meeting

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An open letter to all members of any university community

I strongly oppose the proposed divestment resolution. This resolution is nothing more than another ugly manifestation of antisemitism at the University.