Nearly everyone has, at one point in their life, faced trials and tribulations in their everyday living. These life-altering events have undoubtedly shaped, molded and formed their views of the world, and have greatly influenced their values and beliefs in the process. They also have a lasting lifelong impact, be it positive or negative, and – along with genetics – can greatly determine their characteristics as well as their daily activities.Bearing this in mind, it is relatively safe to say that trials and tribulations, although not naturally or willingly desired or initially anticipated, are part of living on this beautiful but troubled earth. It is also safe to say that there are two kinds of human emotional responses to trials and tribulations – negative responses and positive responses. Those who respond negatively to these trying times are often the victims of them. That is, they allow bad melodrama to come into their lives and wreak havoc and cause dissension and distrust. They usually allow those tests to overcome them, rather than strive to overcome them themselves. They tend to use these as barriers to their real goals, although these barriers may be artificial at best, and believe in the doubt that naysayers lay on them to the point of doubting themselves, their belief systems and their capabilities. With this self-crippling frame of mind permeating their thoughts, these types usually find themselves on the outside looking in, living a pseudo-quality lifestyle, whether or not it is fair or to their liking.On the other hand, those who respond positively to adverse situations are usually the eventual victors in their cause. They choose to conquer and overcome them rather than be conquered and overcome. Despite the hardships and tough times that may accompany these tests of faith and perseverance, they use their inner drive as ignition fuel and as a stepping stone to their goals. They pay little or no attention to the naysayers and doubters, and generally have no regard for their so-called theories. In fact, they may use such to feed their inner drive for success and constant improvement. They view failure as, at worst, a temporary setback and, at best, a teaching tool. With this strong desire to persevere and succeed despite the various obstacles confronting them, these individuals are usually successful in their many endeavors, influential in their field of choice and promote and exude a culture of success in their everyday life.Whatever one’s feelings or beliefs on the subject matter, trials and tribulations are a part of everyday life. It has been that way since the beginning of time. How one handles these situations when they occur will greatly determine their status and view of life, and whether and they succeed or fail or live a fruitful, fulfilling life.With that in mind, one must realize the importance of persistence and grace in turbulent times. The rest can be left to the creator of the universe, who guides all through good times and bad. Jackson can be reached at

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