During the week of Nov. 14-22 UR’s Greek Community will hold the first annual Greek Week. “This event is aimed at allowing non-Greeks on this campus to experience various aspects of Greek life,” junior and Public Relations Chair of the Panhellenic Executive Board Jessica Marabella said.

The week begins with a trip to a Buffalo Sabres hockey game on Friday, Nov. 14.

On Sunday, Nov. 16, the Delta Gamma sorority will hold Anchor Splash, a competition with relay races, synchronized swimming, a raffle and banner and spirit contests. All money raised will be donated to charity.

Thursday, Nov. 20, T.J. Leyden will give a talk called “Turning Away From Hate.” Leyden is a motivational speaker who reformed his life after being a Neo-Nazi activist and recruiter.

“All are encouraged to hear his profound message and inspirational life story,” Marabella said.

The remaining events include Greek Shabbat Friday, a campus clean-up project and Alpha-Traz, a party in the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity house on Saturday.

Yunis can be reached at tyunis@campustimes.org.

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America hates its children

I feel exhausted whenever I hear conservatives fall upon the mindlessly affective “think of the children” defense of their barbarous proposals for school curriculums and general social regressivism.

Conversations can’t happen in empty rooms. Join us.

It can be uncomfortable and deeply frustrating to hear people say things about these sensitive topics that feel inaccurate, unacceptable, and sometimes hurtful.