I read the article about the increase in alcohol consumption on campus and immediately thought back to last year’s D-Day, when a very good friend of mine needed to be transported to the hospital because of intoxication. Friends on our hall debated taking her to the hospital because of potential consequences. I’m glad they didn’t wait, but I was dismayed when I found out that she received a citation from the university. Students who are intoxicated and go to the hospital for treatment, even if they are underage, should not be penalized. This sends the wrong message to the student body, and could have far worse consequences for the administration if someone decides not to go to the hospital.

Melody Kramer

The impact of campus activism that falls into misinformation: A Syrian’s perspective

When campus activists speak of Israel’s “senseless violence” or “systematic erasure,” they fail to recognize that Hezbollah itself has been a major contributor to this cycle of destruction.

CT Eats: Enjoy a relaxing respite with a flight of Happy Earth Tea

If you’re looking for a way to take a load off after a particularly frazzling day, take a walk over to Happy Earth and snag a tea flight before 6 p.m. from Tuesday to Saturday.

CT Interviews: PSL presidential candidate Claudia De La Cruz

Despite most coverage focusing on Harris and Trump, some third-party candidates have been making a wave.