A female undergraduate student in Gilbert was awakened to the sound of a door slamming early in the morning Oct. 11. Shortly after, she heard the sound of something being sprayed into her room.

She began experiencing a burning sensation in her throat and began having difficulty breathing. Security officers responding to the scene identified the substance that was sprayed into the room as being discharged from a dry chemical fire extinguisher, security investigator Dan Lafferty said.

The officers paged the Medical Emergency Response Team to check the student but she refused any additional medical treatment.

No suspect has been identified for the incident, and anyone with information regarding the case is encouraged to contact Lafferty at x35021.

Clarinet stolen from room in Crosby

A student living in Crosby Hall reported the theft of a clarinet valued at over $2,000 to security this week.

The student, who told security that he always locks his room when he leave it, said the clarinet was stolen between Sept. 24 to Sept. 27, Lafferty said.

Security advised the student to report the theft to the Rochester Police Department.

Card reader stolen from Gilbert Hall

Unidentified suspects stole a UR ID card off the exterior wall of Gilbert Residence Hall sometime between midnight and 7:19 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 14, according to security reports.

Hildebrandt can be reached at thildebrandt@campustimes.org.

Recording shows University statement inaccurate about Gaza encampment meeting

The Campus Times obtained a recording of the April 24 meeting between Gaza solidarity encampment protesters and administrators. A look inside the discussions.

An open letter to all members of any university community

I strongly oppose the proposed divestment resolution. This resolution is nothing more than another ugly manifestation of antisemitism at the University.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict reporting disclosures

The Campus Times is a club student newspaper with a small reporting staff at a small, private University. We are…