Tagged - SA Senate

SA all-gender restroom report emphasizes inclusion, accessibility

“It really bothers me to be questioned why I am in the girl’s bathroom, when I am a girl,” one testimonial in the report reads.

Senate Summary Feb. 24 2020: Education ROC, housing lottery

The SA meeting for Feb. 24, 2020 included a presentation on Education ROC, updates on the housing lottery, and a discussion of the initiative to make SAD lamps available to the UR community.

SA pushes for all-gender restrooms

After this week's presentation and discussion of the report and accompanying resolution in the Senate, the resolution should face a vote in coming weeks.

Senate Summary Feb. 17 2020: Elections process, SAD lamps, all-gender restrooms

The SA meeting for Feb. 17 included a discussion of potential changes to the process of electing the SA president, an announcement of a booth at Fresh Check Day to promote SAD lamps, and further discussion of the all-gender restroom project headed by the Campus Services Committee.

Senate Summary: Mock registration, student body emails

SA’s Feb. 3 senate meeting had updates on ongoing projects, SA initiatives, and the passing of motions to appoint new accountants on the appropriations committee and a new senator for the International Students Affairs Committee (ISAC).

SA Summary: Student retention and accessibility

The Jan. 27 SA senate meeting included a presentation on retaining students struggling due to a lack of accommodations and updates on UR Student.

Senate Summary: Tunnels and Flag Display

The Nov. 25 SA Senate meeting was spent discussing the recent paintings in the tunnels and the controversy over the location and labeling of the Hong Kong and Taiwan flags in the flag display in Hirst Lounge.

Shotokan appeals to ACJC over debt, SAAC

Pecoraro said the debt should not be waived, as “the student activities fee that you and I pay should not be used to pay back a deficit.”

SA Summary: Clarification bill, UR Student

Nov. 4’s SA senate meeting included discussion of a bill to clarify the origin of emails from SA leadership, the passage of a resolution showing support for UR Student, and committee plans.

Senate Summary: Palestinian flag, Tibet email

Last week’s SA meeting (Oct. 21) included clarification of rumored plans for removal of the Palestinian flag from Hirst Lounge,…