Tagged - Race

Racial remarks draw ire at forum

“You just stood up here and said the N-word, like, that’s not okay, you don’t need to offer a defense for it, but that’s not okay.”

Review board considers body cameras for armed officers

Seligman accepted in full the UR Security Commission’s recommendation to arm officers two Thursdays ago.

UR community talks privilege

The Paul J. Burgett Intercultural Center held a community discussion on privilege last Wednesday, giving students an opportunity to discuss the effects of their and others’ privileges.

Minority student groups vote to oppose arming DPS

“I don’t feel comfortable with the University of Rochester pairing with any of the surrounding police departments,” said junior Daniel Southwell.

Emotions and argument fill town halls on arming Public Safety

Perturbed by the prospect of arming Public Safety officers, UR students and employees worried at two recent town halls that…

Blackout event showcases minority groups

Former BSU president Shelly Clements '88 delivered the keynote address to the audience.

Students launch response campaign to “We’re Better Than THAT”

“We’ve all kind of heard, ‘we’re working on it. Wait, it will get better,’ but as we show with the timeline on the site, we’ve been waiting and we felt it was time to respond,” they said.

Keynote speaker Shaun King yaks Seligman on non-ban

Shaun King, Senior Social Justice Writer for the New York Daily News and prominent Black Lives Matter activist, criticized University President Joel Seligman’s decision not to ban Yik Yak in a speech last Friday about racial issues in America.

UR diversity, beyond the numbers

There seems to be a common sentiment—the UR community needs to take a hard look at its standards for diversity and representation.

Black and Yellow

“Chink,” the boy snickered. I was caught off guard, too stunned to respond. He turned to his friends and said matter-of-factly, “That’s what my mom said they’re called.”