Tagged - identity

Fragments of an Asian identity

My mother was right. In America, we will always be seen as Asian first and as people second.

You might need a linguistic attitude check

How many friendships and romances never formed because of the biased assumptions we have about language?

Identity clubs and commitment to diversity

There are many student organizations on campus based on culture or identity like the Korean American Students’ Association, Spanish and…

‘Gender-neutral’ doesn’t mean ‘gay’

Some people have questioned my gender identity and sexual orientation because of the way I dress. I wear quite a…

Asian-American identities examined at AAA discussion

Students dove into topics such as language, interracial individuals, and cultural upbringing.

How racism lives among us

As an Indian-American, I have never thought of myself as any more or less of one of my cultures. I have never had to stop and ask myself about my identity. I am just me. It is as simple as that, right? Not exactly.