Archives - Ari Wolf

How ‘Orange Is the New Black’ fails female prisoners

Rape isn’t a joke, and you’d expect a show that fancies itself feminist to know that.

Carrie Fisher’s tragedy and my tentative hope for a better future

Like so many women who choose to go our own way, she fell in love with a man who had only contempt for her.

Dear men on dating apps

I’m simply pointing out that if you are ashamed, you’re ashamed for good reason.
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I opt out of romance to protect myself from fat-shaming and bigotry

Truthfully, whether fat people are insecure or not, whether we love or hate our bodies, makes little difference to how others treat us.

Consent is simple, actually

The laws have changed and the social norms are changing, but the reality of what constitutes a consensual sexual encounter has not changed.

Gossip isn’t just petty — it’s harmful

I don’t want to flee from intimacy into the shallow interactions that result from endless “girl talk” about my relationships, in place of living them.

Biden’s victory changes nothing if we don’t change ourselves

On the off chance someone besides the editors of this paper are actually reading this, please: Think hard about what parts of your own mind would prefer a president who looks like Biden to a president who looks like Harris.

Becky with the good hair: Colorism and power in the Jewish community

I’m impatient with my community’s unwillingness to see just how many people are left behind in the rush to assimilate at all costs.

Other people’s bodies are none of your business

These are women whose adult bullying takes the form of “concern.” 

URMC’s Anti-Racism Action Plan ignores health care’s discriminatory history

URMC has missed one of their best opportunities to come to terms with how they might be perpetuating medical racism.