The Salvation Army needs bell ringers. Can you help us get the word out to your college community?

If you want to do something special for someone else this holiday season, try ringing the bells for the Salvation Army, please. It’s a great group activity! Bring some good holiday CD’s, bundle up, enjoy the friends and the people. Great sorority/fraternity project.

Tell your friends everywhere. There’s a Salvation ARmy near you and them!

To get more information, go on-line to or call toll free at 877-733-6041.

This is the official Salvation Army volunteer site for Upstate New York which covers all of New York North of New York City — from Buffalo to Albany, Binghamton to Ogdensburg.

While you’re at it, please visit our special section which honors the heroes of NY’s WTC disaster.

Mary Stronachmary@redkettles.org877-733-6041 (toll free)

Making first impressions: Don’t get stuck in your head

Perhaps the only way to prevent yourself from sinking into that ocean of once-seen faces, to light a rescue beacon before it’s too late, is to do something remarkable.

The Clothesline Project gives a voice to the unheard

The Clothesline Project was started in 1990 when founder Carol Chichetto hung a clothesline with 31 shirts designed by survivors of domestic abuse, rape, and childhood sexual assault.

Israel Week promotes nationalism within our Jewish life on campus

The purpose and effect of hosting an “Israel Week” is to distract from and distort the historical and contemporary realities of Israeli occupation and apartheid.