The Center for Electronic Imaging Systems, a New York State Center for Advanced Technology located on campus in Taylor Hall, recently announced a record economic impact total of $120 million for the 2006-07 fiscal year. In brief, this number indicates that research performed by CEIS-affiliated scientists has directly created $120 million of new economic activity in New York State within the past year.

CEIS works with NYSTAR, a state governmental agency devoted to promoting scientific research and technology transfer from universities to corporations within the state. In doing so, CEIS pairs scientists from UR, Rochester Institute of Technology, Cornell University, Columbia University and University at Buffalo with corporations based in the state.

Through a combination of grant money from the state and matching funds from the involved corporations, these scientists hope to provide cost-effective and groundbreaking research to corporations that might otherwise not have been able to conduct such work.

In the past year, CEIS has introduced a new project focusing on bio-imaging technologies. This expansion fits with the overall CEIS goal of advancing the state of the art in imaging systems, but integrates work on a new frontier in medical devices that will eventually lead to greater economic impact totals in the future.

“The Center has expanded into a number of exciting research areas beyond its classical imaging technology roots,” CEIS director Eby Friedman said. “We’ve had a significant economic and technical impact on the state and region. It’s an exciting time to be involved with CEIS.”

Halusic is a member of the class of 2010.

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