Hero Rice

We all have great intentions with our leftovers. We let them sit in cute little containers or Ziplock bags and swear we’re going to eat them tomorrow, but somehow tomorrow never comes. I get it; using up leftovers is hard, but this rice recipe is sure to get you excited about it.

Since this is all about using up your food, the measurements are very fluid. It all depends on what food you have available in the fridge, so feel free to tweak measurements to match your needs. I recommend using greens like spinach or kale, but it’s all up to you. You want to add peppers? Cool. Green beans? Go for it. Grilled chicken? Give it a whirl. The sky’s the limit.

Prep: five minutes 

Cook: 15 minutes 


  • Leftover veggies and/or protein 
  • One clove of garlic 
  • Leftover rice 
  • One egg
  • Soy sauce
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Sriracha (optional) 



  • Mince garlic, then cut veggies and protein into one-inch pieces. Add one teaspoon of vegetable oil to a nonstick skillet. Cook garlic until fragrant, add veggies, protein, and salt and pepper to taste. Heat until warm and set aside. 
  • Add one tablespoon of oil to the hot pan (you can adjust the amount to the pan’s size and the amount of rice you have.) Add rice and soy sauce to taste then set aside. 
  • Make one egg over easy.  
  • Add rice to a bowl then top with veggies and egg. Add sriracha if desired.


Tagged: ct cooks

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