The thirteenth annual UR Spirit Week presented students with myriad events and activities last week, featuring both free food and giveaways.

Planned and sponsored by the 2019 and 2018 Class Councils, Spirit Week kicked off with UR’s tunnel painting tradition on Jan. 31. Following this event, students were able to pick up free goodies in Hirst Lounge, including laptop stickers, lanyards, and Insomnia-brand cookies.

Last Tuesday, “I ♥ Rochester Day” took place, an activity organized by the Offices of Alumni Relations, Annual Giving, and Stewardship. Approximately 600 students wrote thank-you notes to parents, friends, alumni, and other donors through the event.

Spirit Week continued with an open mic karaoke night, poetry readings, and a screening of Finding Nemo by the UR Cinema Group. To celebrate student life on campus, Blue Crew co-sponsored a pep rally in Hirst Lounge that featured cheers, performances, and more giveaways. After the pep rally, students walked over to Goergen Athletic Center to support the men’s and women’s basketball teams. Over the weekend, the Strong Museum of Play sold tickets at a two-for-one price with college IDs.

Spirit Week finished off on Sunday with a Super Bowl party, where students enjoyed free pizza, wings, and other snacks for the big game.

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