1. On Tuesday, April 8 between 8:00am and 5:00pm, a maintenance worker reported $232 worth of tools stolen from his unlocked car which was parked in Riverview Lot. There are no suspects at this time. Public Safety would like to remind students and staff to remember to remove all packages and items of value from vehicles, or at least to store them out of plain sight.

Unwanted contact from dating website

2. On Tuesday, April 8 at 2:00pm, an undergraduate reported that she was receiving unwanted phone calls and text messages from a man she met through an online dating service but had never met in person. Investigation is continuing, but his conduct constitutes Aggravated Harassment in the third degree, which is an E Felony in New York, punishable by two to five years in state prison.

Students trespassing in college town

3. On Friday, April 11 two graduate students were located inside the fenced construction area of the College Town complex at about 11:09pm. Patrolling officers approached the two. They stated they were cutting through the lot to avoid traffic on area roads. Both were warned, and sent on their way. The two were compliant and exited the construction area when ordered to do so.

Banned man arrested after returning to campus

4. On Monday, April 14 at 9:00pm, an arrest was made by Public Safety Officers of an unaffiliated person, Richard Miller, who has been previously banned from University property after repeated run-ins with security. He was arrested on grounds of trespassing, which is a violation punishable by 15 days in jail and a $250 fine. He was taken into custody and eventually transported to the Monroe County Jail.

Ramos is a member of the class of 2015.

Information provided by UR Public Safety.

How to celebrate the Super Bowl like a pro

The Super Bowl was actually a 24-hour-long celebration of foods served in humanity’s greatest invention known as the bowl.

Michael Che’s Winterfest set welcomes lackluster comedy and announces his exit from SNL

Perhaps the most notable takeaway from this is Michael Che’s statement that he may be leaving SNL. What he intends to do afterward is unknown, but I’d urge him to reconsider if he’s looking to pivot back to stand-up.

On the need for a Creative Expo

In the fall of 2022, those efforts culminated in the creation of Rochester Producers & Musicians (RPM), a group designed as a space for creatives to network, showcase, and embody the creativity integral to their identity.