Despite efforts by the Campus Diversity Roundtable and other River campus organizations to promote diversity and encourage discussion, certain topics, including those addressed in the Messenger article, ‘the Problems of Reverse Segregation,” are still taboo. The article was published under the pseudonym Marcy Cleaver.

The fact that a student felt that they had to go anonymous in order to safely express their opinion speaks ill of the River Campus community. As a University, we should be willing to discuss and consider all viewpoints, even those that might not be popular. In order to contribute to true open discussions, the UR community should strive to allow writers to express themselves freely without anonymity ultimately to help foster forums for communication where all standpoints can be evaluated without fear of repercussion.

That is not to say that writers should shy away from controversial writings; controversy often allows for discussion of issues that are important and not currently addressed. But writers detract from their message, as well as the total weight of the subject, by not having the gall to stand behind their own argument.

Diversity is important in any discussion, and Messenger’s goals of having a diverse magazine that challenges readers’ own points of views are admirable. But by using pseudonyms or remaining anonymous in potentially controversial pieces, or any piece for that matter, it not only takes away from the writer’s own argument, but also from the goals of the publication. Real diversity in thought and opinion is not arguing highly controversial points in darkness behind walls or fake names; real diversity is bringing these topics to the forefront of open and free intelligent discussion without anonymity. Only then can true diversity be ultimately reached.

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