A freshman was arrested by police on charges of unlawful possession of marijuana on Sept. 18.

The suspect possessed a “significant amount” of what is assumed to be marijuana in his dormitory room, according to UR Security Investigator Dan Lafferty.

The suspect claims to have denied admitting selling marijuana to security, but security insists that he admitted to the charges.

Rochester Police Department Officers transported the suspetc to the Public Safety Building for further follow up and processing, according to UR Security.

Some aspects of this situation are still being investigated and the matter has been referred to the Dean of Students’ Office for further review.

Laptop stolen from Hutchison Hall

Between Sept. 19 and Sept. 22, an unidentified suspect entered a laboratory in the basement of Hutchison Hall and stole a graduate student’s laptop computer, which was valued at an estimated $1,050, according to Lafferty.

There were no signs of forced entry into the lab and the student indicated that the lab was secured when he departed on the 19th. Nothing else inside the lab was stolen or disturbed and the student may file a police report at a later date.

Man arrested for trespassing

Fifty-year-old Rochester resident Kevin Sumler was arrested for trespassing on Sept. 17 after he was observed trying to steal a bicycle from outside Gavett Hall, according to security.

Sumler admitted that he was attempting to steal the bicycle.

The RPD responded and he was taken to the Public Safety Building for further processing, according to Lafferty.

The bicycle was not stolen, and all the bicycles in the rack were checked and appeared to be undamaged.

Sumler was warned and advised not to return to the campus.

Locked bike stolen from rack

An unidentified suspect cut a cable lock and stole a graduate student’s bicycle between noon and 3:30 p.m. on Sept. 22.

The bicycle had been secured to a bicycle rack outside the Computer Studies Building.

The student’s bicycle was valued at an estimated $300, according to UR Security.

Student found with ‘chuka’ sticks

An undergraduate in Wilder Tower was observed to be in possession of a set of “chuka” sticks on Sept. 20.

Nunchuka or “chuka” sticks are classified as an illegal weapon by New York State penal law and the item was confiscated, Lafferty said.

The student was warned regarding possession of the weapon and the item was later surrendered to the RPD for destruction.

Information provided by UR Security. Schnee can be reached at cschnee@campustimes.org.

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Leslie Feinberg called for a transgender rights movement. 33 years later, this message is more important than ever. 

An end to the madness

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Now is the time to stand for our students: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

While we understand that the University receives federal funding and has to follow federal regulations, the University has an immutable obligation to their diverse body of students to ensure their safety on campus.